• Self-employment set up with consultation: £70+ £12 VAT = £84 gross;
  • Self-Assessment Tax Return: from(typical price) £150 + £30 VAT = £180 gross;
  • Bookkeeping for a sole trader: from (typical price) £60/month + £12 VAT = £72 gross;
  • Bookkeeping for a VAT-registered sole trader: from (typical price) £70/month + £14 VAT = £84 gross;
  • Bookkeeping for a Ltd company (non-VAT registered): from (typical price) £95 + £19 VAT = £114 gross;
  • Bookkeeping for a Ltd company (VAT-registered): from (typical price) £105 + £21 VAT = £126 gross;
  • Limited Company formation: £100 + £20 VAT = £120 gross;
  • Limited Company formation with PAYE registration: £125 + £25 VAT = £150;
  • Limited Company formation with VAT registration: £125 + £25 VAT = £150;
  • Limited Company formation with registrations for PAYE and VAT: £150 + £30 VAT = £180;
  • Payroll for fixed salary; monthly: £5 + £1 VAT per employee/month; weekly: £10 + £1 VAT per employee/month.